Ministry Wives Book Club
Join Karen Kinnaird for an 8 session Zoom study of Christine Hoover’s latest book How to Thrive as a Pastor’s Wife: Practical Tools to Embrace Your Influence and Navigate Your Unique Role.
Meeting on the first Thursday of each month, at 6:30 pm beginning in September 2022, we will meet via ZOOM for reflection and discussion of selected parts of the book. The book will be our gift to you! Join us for encouragement and learning. Come share your experiences and perspectives! Some of the topics we will cover include:
You are Called and Gifted
Cultivating the Skill of Knowing When to Say Yes and When to Say No
What No One Else Knows, He Knows
Wife, Friend, Lover
Seasons on Ministry with Younger/Older Children
Locating Your Friendships
Dealing With Church Hurt
Cultivating the Skill of Responding to Criticism
To learn more about Christine Hoover, her books, by Faith podcast and additional resources, go to
Karen Kinnaird has served over 30 years in ministry. She served alongside her husband as he pastored three churches over 21 years and 14 years of denominational service. Together they have three adult children and three grandchildren. Karen is a certified Leadership Coach and is currently working for Forgiving Forward, a Christian ministry in Fayetteville, Georgia.